Glenn H. Shepard Jr.
Glenn H. Shepard Jr. was raised in the Tidewater area of Virginia. He and John Lee Matney struck up a friendship in second grade, and since high school they have shared a passion for photography. Glenn is an ethnobotanist, medical anthropologist and film maker, and obtained his Ph.D. in Medical Anthropology from the University of California at Berkeley. He has traveled extensively and carried out scientific research on shamanism, medicinal plant therapy, indigenous knowledge about the environment, and the cultural and ecological impacts of Westernization. He has published over fifty scientific articles, his photography has won several prizes, and he has made a number of films, including the Emmy-Award-winning “Spirits of the Rainforest.” Glenn is currently a researcher in Indigenous Ethnology at the Goeldi Museum in Belém do Pará at the mouth of the Amazon River. His blog, “Notes from the Ethnoground” ( includes memories, reflections and photography from his research and travels. Glenn has continued to use photography both as a documentary tool and a form of creative expression in travels and research among indigenous peoples across the globe. This exhibit includes photographs from Peru, Brazil, Mexico and Thailand, spanning a twenty-five year career. Works were chosen to highlight indigenous peoples’ intimate connection with their environment and their rich spiritual worldviews.